Why "Communicate like a pro"?

Why "Communicate like a pro"?
First logo. It might change...who knows?

Throughout the years I have come across many brilliant people. Really amazing people with incredible backgrounds and/or impressive advanced degrees. But quite often, even though these people had all this knowledge or experience, they could not communicate effectively.

They could not share their stories in a way that made people feel something or want to hear more. They had difficulty explaining their ideas in a way that the average person could understand. Sometimes even their coworkers couldn't understand what they were talking about.

That is a problem. You may have the greatest ideas ever, but if you can't communicate that greatness, those ideas will go nowhere. Become nothing.

Or you won't get to move into a different position in the company. Or be able to get a different job.

There are many things that come along with being able to communicate well. Just as there many things that may not happen if you can't.

For people who want to improve their communication skills: I want to guide them to a place where they feel more comfortable. Speak more confidently or write something that make people want to read more.

Whatever the communication medium is, there are ways to improve. Public speaking, presentations, copywriting...these are all valuable 21st Century skills that if you can improve even just a little bit, people will listen. People will read what you write. People will be more likely to support your ideas or efforts and help you make them a reality.

I've helped many people improve their communication skills over the years and it has been a joy to watch them take their incredible experiences and knowledge and share it with others. Teach people what they know. Get recognition for their hard work.

Your ideas are just interesting thoughts unless you can communicate them to someone else or bring them to life yourself.

Communicate like a pro.